March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, marks the 2nd Anniversary of USS Colorado being placed in Commission. Ceremonies were held that day in 2018 at Pier 6 at the Naval Submarine Base. About 2,000 persons attended on a brisk but sunny day. The principal speaker was Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado and the ceremony was attended by then Governor John Hickenlooper and Senator Michael Bennet. Ken Jones, a WWII veteran of Battleship Colorado (BB45), passed the traditional long glass to the oncoming watch. Five others of his shipmates were in attendance. Retired Colonel Andy Meverden, former Chaplain of Colorado National Guard, gave the Invocation and Benediction. The color guard was from the Widefield High School NJROTC unit in Colorado Springs. The ship was placed in Commission by ADM Frank Caldwell, Director of Navy Nuclear Reactors, and Ship’s Sponsor, Annie Mabus.