Received some pictures from the COB. Here is an excerpt of the email that accompanied the pictures:
All is well from the deep. The last underway was a bit long for our tastes, but the men killed it on a daily basis, honing their skills and raising the bar tactically for the rest of the fleet to aspire to. Very proud of the men and their efforts as Steely-eyed Warriors of the Deep! Additionally, although our port calls have been few and far between, the men have represented the Navy and the State of Colorado
on liberty as exemplary ambassadors, worthy of praise by John Q. Public. The TRIAD couldn’t be happier with their professional demeanor and outstanding performance both onboard and out in town. I sleep a little easier at night as a result.
Our Halfway Day celebration was delayed a couple of weeks due to operations, but the crew came out in force participating in many morale-building events. It was filled with crazy events (I even died my hair and beard to show the crew they could "let loose" a little; they were VERY surprised at the sight! All in all, the crew enjoyed a relaxing day of fun, which was much-deserved and needed. Of note, we had junior Sailors posing as acting “CO for the day” (along with XO, COB, and the 4 Department Heads, with full access to the Wardroom for meals).
Sincerely (and on behalf of the TRIAD),